Tuesday, November 18, 2014



Trident-ML is a realtime online machine learning library. It allows you to build real time predictive features using scalable online algorithms. This library is built on top of Storm, a distributed stream processing framework which runs on a cluster of machines and supports horizontal scaling. The packaged algorithms are designed to fit into limited memory and processing time but they don't work in a distributed way.

Trident-ML currently supports :

  • Linear classification (Perceptron, Passive-Aggresive, Winnow, AROW)
  • Linear regression (Perceptron, Passive-Aggresive)
  • Clustering (KMeans)
  • Feature scaling (standardization, normalization)
  • Text feature extraction
  • Stream statistics (mean, variance)
  • Pre-Trained Twitter sentiment classifier

Read full article from pmerienne/trident-ml

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