Monday, November 24, 2014

A simple machine learning app with Spark - Chapeau

A simple machine learning app with Spark - Chapeau

A simple machine learning app with Spark I'm currently on my way back from the first-ever Spark Summit , where I presented a talk on some of my work with the Fedora Big Data SIG to package Apache Spark and its infrastructure for Fedora. ( My slides are online, but they aren't particularly useful without the talk. I'll post a link to the video when it's available, though.) If you're interested in learning more about Spark, a great place to start is the guided exercises that the Spark team put together; simply follow their instructions to fire up an EC2 cluster with Spark installed and then work through the exercises. In one of the exercises, you'll have an opportunity to build up one of the classic Spark demos: distributed k-means clustering in about a page of code. Implementing k-means on resilient distributed datasets is an excellent introduction to key Spark concepts and idioms. With recent releases of Spark, though, machine learning can be simpler still:

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