Monday, November 17, 2014

17 Great Machine Learning Libraries

17 Great Machine Learning Libraries

08 October 2013 After wonderful feedback on my previous post on Scikit-learn from the guys at /r/MachineLearning , I decided to collect the list of machine learning libraries into this seperate note. Let me know if there's a library that should be included here. Update (15 May 2014): thanks to Djalel Benbouzid and Dwayne Campbell for additional suggestions. Sorry it's taken me so long to add them… Python Scikit-learn : comprehensive and easy to use, I wrote a whole article on why I like this library. PyBrain : Neural networks are one thing that are missing from SciKit-learn, but this module makes up for it. nltk : really useful if you're doing anything NLP or text mining related. Theano : efficient computation of mathematical expressions using GPU. Excellent for deep learning. Pylearn2 : machine learning toolbox built on top of Theano - in very early stages of development. MDP (Modular toolkit for Data Processing): a framework that is useful when setting up workflows. Java Spark :

Read full article from 17 Great Machine Learning Libraries

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