Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tree traversal - Rosetta Code

Tree traversal - Rosetta Code

Implement a binary tree where each node carries an integer, and implement preoder, inorder, postorder and level-order traversal. Use those traversals to output the following tree:

Read full article from Tree traversal - Rosetta Code

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A good POS tagger in about 200 lines of Python « Computational Linguistics

A good POS tagger in about 200 lines of Python « Computational Linguistics

Averaged perceptron

POS tagging is a “supervised learning problem”. You’re given a table of data, and you’re told that the values in the last column will be missing during run-time. You have to find correlations from the other columns to predict that value.

So for us, the missing column will be “part of speech at word i“. The predictor columns (features) will be things like “part of speech at word i-1“, “last three letters of word at i+1“, etc

Read full article from A good POS tagger in about 200 lines of Python « Computational Linguistics

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